Av. Arraona Talleres 11, Nave 5

08210 Barberá del Vallés

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+34 936 674 203



Manufacturer of silicone sheets

Suppliers of compact silicone sheets and sheets in different thicknesses

At Juntas VARGORT, we strive to offer quality solutions for the needs of our clients. As a leading compact silicone sheet and sheet manufacturers and suppliers, we are aware of the need to offer excellent quality products at competitive prices.

Our compact silicone plates and sheets are manufactured with top quality materials to guarantee maximum resistance and durability. These plates and sheets are resistant to wear, corrosion and chemicals, as well as being resistant to high temperatures. These properties make our plates and sheets ideal for industrial uses.

Compact silicone sheet supplier

We manufacture compact silicone sheets and sheets 60º Shore A in translucent color, and we also manufacture molded silicone sheets and sheets in 500mm x 500mm format from 1mm to 30mm thick, in hardnesses ranging from 20 to 80 Shore A in any basic color and any custom RAL.

In stock we normally have compact calendered silicone sheets or plates at 40º and 60ºshA, thicknesses from 0.3mm to 12mm with a width of 1200mm. In white, tile red, blue, black and translucent colors. And upon request we can manufacture in 50º and 70ºshA in other colors and qualities.

Applications of silicone plates and sheets

Manufacture of sealing gaskets

Stamped flat gaskets

Flat silicone gaskets for food

Vacuum membranes

Manufacture of high temperature resistant conveyor belts

Non-stick sheets in the food industry

High temperature resistant support in the textile printing of t-shirts