Av. Arraona Talleres 11, Nave 5

08210 Barberá del Vallés

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Ficha de material


Industrial Felt sheets are textile structures composed of interlocking fibers, among which wool stands out. The felt is not woven, that is to say, it does not arise from the intersection between the weft and the warp as fabrics do. To manufacture the felts, it is necessary to conglomerate different layers of fibers by means of steam and pressure, using the property they have of adhering to each other, hence it is sometimes known as agglomerate.

Its use is based on mechanical work for dust removal, sealing oils, greases and lubricants, for polishing, filtering air and liquids. It must be taken into account that the greater the hardness, the greater the absorption and retention capacity. So the softer types will absorb and hold less fluid, but will have better self-lubrication.

También están disponibles varias posibilidades de acabado o tratamientos p ara dotar al fieltro de propiedades especiales para aplicaciones específicas entre ellos: fire-retardant, water-repellent, anti-mold, anti-pilling, antistatic, anti-stain and anti-moth. In raw (white), gray and brown.

Felt Properties

  • Soundproofing
  • Thermal isolation
  • Anti-vibration mounts
  • Lubricating elements
  • Scrapers
  • Seals
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