Av. Arraona Talleres 11, Nave 5

08210 Barberá del Vallés

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Sector Iluminación y LED

The moment you need it

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Sector iluminación y LED

To guarantee the operation of the electrical structures and luminaires, it is essential that the sealing gasket works perfectly. In these applications a good seal is needed to repel moisture.

The insulating materials used in the lighting market are characterized by their high dielectric, chemical and thermal resistance. Being the most common, sponge silicone and EPDM.


  • Electronic lock seals
  • Outer light seals
  • Display screen boards
  • Underwater light seals
  • Heat sinks
  • Terminal covers
  • Silicone wire
  • Electric boxes
  • Air conditioning units
  • Electrical cabinets
  • Luminaire gaskets
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